Bink & Gollie

By Kate DiCamillo and Alison McGhee

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Bink and Gollie look very different and think differently, too, but they are the best of friends. In this book, they rollerskate into a colorful sock adventure, set off on an expedition, and find a home for an aquatic friend. I highly recommend this series for any K-3rd grader who enjoyed Elephant and Piggie or Frog and Toad books.

Each Kindness

By Jacqueline Woodson

Chloe will not talk to or include the new girl, Maya. Maya doesn’t wear new clothes or look like Chloe’s friends. One day, the teacher talks to the class about how important each act of kindness is and how it has a ripple effect into people’s lives. Chloe wants to make things right, but she never has her chance. This is a beautiful story that reminds us all that each action we take or don’t take affects those around us.

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How to Swallow a Pig: Step-by-Step Advice from the Animal Kingdom

By Steve Jenkins and Robin Page

Do you want to learn how to build a nest, catch your dinner, or battle a mountain sheep? This book gives step-by-step directions on everything from sewing a nest like a tailor bird to repelling insects like a Capuchin to swallowing a pig whole like a python. I think this is a creative way to expand kids’ animal knowledge, and I think that many students will enjoy learning from it.

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